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Hacktoday IPB 2020 CTF quals

Hacktoday IPB 2020 CTF quals

After compete with many university team on indonesia me and my university team (glut0r) got 10th place at hacktoday CTF 2020

tebak tebakan


Seberapa hebat tebakan anda? . nc chall.codepwnda.id 14011


as you can see, we have to guess the correct input according to these output, so i manually collect all the data, and create a script to solve automatically

from pwn import *
x = {
r = remote("chall.codepwnda.id",14011)
def getflag():
def guess():
   r.recvuntil('am ')
   nm = r.recv().split()[0]
   print "pk"
   print nm[:1]
   print x.get(nm[:1])
def main():
   for i in range(1115):
if __name__ == "__main__":

run the script, and we got our flag



Hard Rock casino


play smart and win nc chall.codepwnda.id 14021


Service Source code

import random, signal, sys
class Unbuffered(object):
 def __init__(self, stream):
   self.stream = stream
 def write(self, data):
 def writelines(self, datas):
 def __getattr__(self, attr):
   return getattr(self.stream, attr)
sys.stdout = Unbuffered(sys.stdout)
def handler(signum, frame):
 print '\nmaaf casino sudah mau tutup, silakan coba lagi...'
class Player:
 def __init__(self, nama):
   self.nama = nama
   self.saldo = 1000
 def taruhan(self):
     bet = int(raw_input('\nhalo %s, ayo pasang taruhan: ' % (self.nama)).strip())
     if self.saldo >= bet:
       if bet > 0:
         if random.random() >= 0.44: # 56% winning chance?
           self.saldo += bet
           print 'kamu menang! saldo kamu %d' % (self.saldo)
           self.saldo -= bet
           print 'kamu kalah, saldo kamu %d' % (self.saldo)
         print '%s, dilarang bermain curang!!1!1' % (self.nama)
       print 'maaf %s, saldo kamu tidak cukup' % (self.nama)
     if self.saldo == 0:
       print '\nkamu bangkrut, bye %s' % (self.nama)
     elif self.saldo >= 100000:
       print open('flag.txt').read().strip()
n = raw_input('nama kamu: ').strip()
p = Player(n)
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler)
while True:

according to the source code, our chance to win is depends on random() so i create a simple script to solve it:

from pwn import *
import random
r = remote("chall.codepwnda.id",14021)
def main():
   uang = 1000
   for i in range(10):
       uang += (uang-1)
if __name__ == "__main__":





I command you to find the flag


you can use volatility to find the right profile, so we can digging more into it

according to the description, i assume our flag is stored inside recent command,then i use cmdscan to get the flag





omething creepy is hiding here. format flag: “hacktoday{flag}”, tiap kata dipisahkan oleh “_”


use stegsnow to extract the hidden data

download the image, and use stegsolve.jar to get the flag







there is a zip header inside okay file, so i assume this is the zip file, so i create a simple script to join the file

okay = open("okay",'rb').read() # header
ill = open("ill",'rb').read()
be = open("be",'rb').read()
again = open("again",'rb').read()
today = open("today",'rb').read()
# broken fix
x = okay
x += today
x += ill
x += be
x += again
print x

after the file extracted, there is 2 file inside it broken.jpg and cute.jpg so we have to compare each file and dump the difference between two file

def main():
   broken = open("./broken.jpg",'rb').read()
   cute = open("./cute.jpg",'rb').read()
   tmp = ''
   for i in range(len(cute)):
       if broken[i] == cute[i]:
           tmp += broken[i]
   print tmp
if __name__ == "__main__":



Harta Karun


Seorang penggemar harta akhirnya insaf setelah menonton drama pengingat dosa, ia pun mengadakan sebuah sayembara untuk menemukan harta yang telah ia simpan di suatu tempat. Para peserta hanya diberikan gambar peta untuk menemukan Location dari harta tersebut. Apakah kamu yang menjadi juara?


extract with foremost, and join the file

def do(x):
   return x.replace(' ','').decode('hex')
def main():
   satu = '''89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A 00 00 00 0D 49 48 44 52 00 00 01 68 00 00 00 64 08 00 00 00 00 8E 3B F5 C6 00 00 00 04 67 41 4D 41 00 00 B1 8F 0B FC 61 05 00 00 00 20 63 48 52 4D 00 00 7A 26 00 00 80 84 00 00 FA 00 00 00 80 E8 00 00 75 30 00 00 EA 60 00 00 3A 98 00 00 17 70 9C BA 51 3C 00 00 00 02 62 4B 47 44 00 FF 87 8F CC BF 00 00 00 07 74 49 4D 45 07 E4 08 07 01 28 12 43 80 35 99 00 00 03 41 49 44 41 54 78 DA ED D5 5D 48 D5 77 1C C7 F1 F7 F1 3C 29 CC 69 D2 90 6D 8D A8 C4 46 45 28 9B 6D 94 27 57 9D 8B 8A 3C 25 63 2E C8 81 7B C2 E6 8C BA 08 3C 45 C8 A9 CC B9 B9'''
   dua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
   tiga = '''46 AB EC D8 F3 45 5D 24 74 2E 96 D2 D6 A2 5A C4 2C 1C 8C 43 C4 28 A8 16 9B 13 8C D6 D3 34 E7 D3 71 17 FF FF 79 F0 A8 2D 0B 3C 04 9F D7 CD 8F FF EF FB FD FE BE BF F3 E5 07 07 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 64 DC 39 4E 96 E3 39 35 65 E8 E6 C4 FD 6F 03 30 3F 2F 2E 7B C6 F7 C9 C3 4E 28 5A 1B 1B 6B 8E 06 3C 07 46 6F 9B F3 E3 48 FD 1E AB 70 5D A2 67 35 26 49 71 DF BD 2D 7B 38 71 E1 F7 A1 9B 77 1A 8D D5 E1 8C CB FE ED FC F0 13 67 7C 1B 1B 8B 99 C6 89 B6 D1 AF 11 6C 19 A9 DF 63 35 A5 26 66 62 4F C9 36 CA FE 9C C2 7F 33 EA 6F F2 CA A7 DD 96 59 DE BF 20 2B E0 6F C8 5D D5 F7 4E A8 FE 01 D3 4B BA 52 CE 9F'''
   empat = '''CE 09 56 B8 BC 34 5F 01 AC BD 89 1E 5E 62 A4 AC 37 D6 AD 96 71 6A B8 2D D1 BF 78 4C 6C CF 7E 04 00 AF 96 CC 6E 77 F6 00 04 2A 76 C5 C5 76 1B CB 57 7F FC EF 29 4F 9E 09 CB 2F 8D CF 84 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 9E DA 7F 95 3C 15 CC 47 61 B5 66 00 00 00 25 74 45 58 74 64 61 74 65 3A 63 72 65 61 74 65 00 32 30 32 30 2D 30 38 2D 30 37 54 30 31 3A 34 30 3A 31 38 2B 30 37 3A 30 30 F7 19 5F 45 00 00 00 25 74 45 58 74 64 61 74 65 3A 6D 6F 64 69 66 79 00 32 30 32 30 2D 30 38 2D 30 37 54 30 31 3A 34 30 3A 31 38 2B 30 37 3A 30 30 86 44 E7 F9 00 00 00 00 49 45 4E 44 AE 42 60 82'''
   o = do(satu)
   o += do(tiga)
   o += do(dua)
   o += do(empat)
   print o
if __name__ == "__main__":



Daun Singkong


tanam-tanam ubi tak perlu dibajak.


Extract daunsinkong.zip i found .DS_Store inside the archive i use https://labs.internetwache.org/ds_store/. to extract all the information

brute the flag.7z using .DS_Store information, password: pertanianindonesiakanlebihbaikjikapetaninyatidakmainctf

